Sales & Service


Orders are usually shipped within 3 business days.

Import duties and taxes are paid to UPS by the customer.

If required, direct orders may be placed by submitting a purchase order to

For Customers Requiring Form W-9 Ben, as a Canadian corporation, Sight Enhancement Systems is required to provide form W8-Ben-E in lieu of form W-9 Ben. Request a copy of our latest signed version of form W8-Ben-E.

Our products are also available through suppliers in the United Kingdom, Europe, Middle East, Australia and Asia. Please contact us for the most current listing of suppliers in your area.



Your Sight Enhancement product has been designed and manufactured to provide you with years of reliable service. Please refer to your specific product manual for more details on the period of warranty coverage. Should you experience any problems with your product from Sight Enhancement Systems, please contact us, or the distributor from whom the product was purchased.


Repair and Service

If the product was purchased directly from Sight Enhancement Systems, please follow these steps to ensure that we can repair and return your equipment as quickly as possible:

  • Take note of the serial number which can be found on the underside of the product.
  • Contact Sight Enhancement Systems providing the serial number and a description of the problem so that we can assign a Return Merchandize Authorization (RMA) number. This allows us to track your equipment on return to our factory, ensuring the repair is completed in the timeliest manner. The serial number of your product is required in order for us to assign the RMA number.
  • When an RMA number is assigned, we offer support with shipping the goods back to us, reducing shipping delays sometimes associated with cross-border shipments, and advise you on adequate packaging for your equipment during transportation.

For all purchases made through any of our distributors, service and warranty issues must be directed through the distributor.